Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's Summer and I Can Live Again!

I haven't posted since January. Unbelievable! This school year has been so busy. I'm relieved that it's over. I haven't done much knitting in the past few months due to the hustle and bustle of school. It seems like this happens every year. Every year I tell myself that I'm going to continue to knit because that does relieve my stress but for one reason or another I let that thought fade out of my mind.

I started a new pair of socks on Thursday. The only reason I started them was because I was so frustrated with the original pair I was working on. It's really hard to pick up the one remaining sock when you haven't looked at it in about 6-7 months and just know what repeat you're working on. I was working on it after school when I realized that I had done the wrong repeat. Well, being frustrated with school and this stupid sock I ripped the whole thing. My friend Kristi sat there in horror as I ripped the sock apart. She told me not to take it all out. I'm not the type of knitter who can just rip out part. If I start ripping I usually rip all of it. It's a little extreme I know but that's my mentality.

I also just got a new laptop (yesterday) and I'm pretty excited about that. I'm using it right now. It's nothing too fancy but it is NEW! I think I'll be in bed for the next three or four days hanging out with my knitting, laptop, and iPod. I just need some time to chill from the school year.

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